Full name: Tianpei Yang


Phone#: (646) 215-0019


Sep 2019 – June 2021

New York University (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Master of Computer Science

Sep 2015 – July 2019

Dalian University of Technology

Bachelor of Computer Science, Awarded as Outstanding Undergraduate Student


Chao Yu, Dongxu Wang, Tianpei Yang, et al. "Adaptively Shaping Reinforcement Learning Agents via Human Reward." Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Springer, Cham, 2018.

Ruotong Li, Tianpei Yang, Weixin Si, et al. "Augmented Reality Guided Respiratory Liver Tumors Punctures:
A Preliminary Feasibility Study."SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs, pp. 114-117. ACM, 2019.

Yang Tian, Yuming Bai, Shengdong Zhao, Chi-Wing Fu, Tianpei Yang, Pheng-Ann Heng. "Virtually-Extended Proprioception: Providing Spatial Reference in VR through an Appended Virtual Limb."
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2020.

Chao Yu, Tianpei Yang, Wenxuan Zhu, et al. "Interactive RL via Online Human Demonstrations."
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. 2020.


Jun 2020 – Present

Developing backend service of Siemens Dashboard web application on top of Apache Solr.

Creating user interface to support exporting user’s data into Json-DL or GraphML format.

Jan 2019 – Aug 2019

Developed a system that allows remote users to have “face-to-face” communications and immersive interactions in virtual reality environment. And accomplished my undergraduate thesis by illustrating and analyzing the VR system.

Proposed a novel augmented reality guidance modality for improving the precision of liver tumors punctures by 20%.

Analyzed in detail how reference objects influence users’ distance awareness in virtual reality environment.

May 2018 – May 2018

Participated in developing software defect management system for IT solution and service products.

Used Myeclipse to maintain Spring MVC which serves to handle HTTP requests, connect to database to get target data through MyBatis then return customized responses.

Mar 2017 – Mar 2018

Managed 47 members and served for over 3000 students’ social practices in our Faculty.

Accumulated planning large scale activities (over 200 participants) experience and enhanced management ability.

Acquired the ability to produce attracting slides and to give a fluent speech to over 200 audiences without draft.


Set up a Node.js server to support real-time bidirectional event-driven communication over TCP.

Wrote C# script to build multi-platform clients in Unity 3D to emit and handle events.

This network framework is deployed on both of my AR and VR projects for efficient data transmission.

Developed a system to track optical markers (attached on patient, ablation needle and AR glasses) in real-time.

Transferred transformation of optical markers to the prediction model using the robust network.

Precisely overlay the holographic display (respiration prediction model output) to the real world using transformation matrix and fast RANSAC algorithm.

Equipped with AR glasses and our system, surgeons can “see through” patients’ bodies to precisely puncture tumors.

Inherited and improved the restful user interface design and effective interaction methods of my VR meeting system.

We performed comparison experiments on more than 30 users and collected feedback with NASA-TLX. We adopted the one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey to analyze the error distance data.

The results show users can target spatial object efficiently (with less task load and error) in our guiding system.

Experiment: cartpole, a game to balance the pole to get higher score.

Coded to realize four human-agent interaction strategies(reward shaping, q augmentation, control sharing, action biasing) and our proposed adaptive learning strategy involving simulated oracles and real human feedback.

Conducted the experiment among 10 participants for 10 runs each strategies, collected data and quantitatively analyzed results in the paper.

Defined a programming language called sample S++ including function call, 29 reserved words(switch, while, break, et al.), compound statements, arithmetic operations and relational operations with priority, et al.

Accomplished lexical analysis, grammatical analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate codes generation and interpretive execution.

Familiar with using HTML, CSS, javascript, Bootstrap 4 to construct an elegant web font-end.

Familiar with using Docker, Kubernetes, Flask(python) Express, MongoDB, Mongoose to establish a robust back-end.


Second Prize in 2017 Certification Cup National Mathematical Contest In Modeling, team leader

Honorable Mention in 2016 International Mathematical Contest In Modeling, team leader

Second Prize in 2018 TRIZ Cup National University Students’ Innovation Method Competition, team member

Second Prize in 2017 National College Students' Social Practice Activities in Zunyi (Top 15%), Team leader

2017 Excellent Student Union and Youth League Committee Leader in Dalian University of Technology (Top 1%)

Scholarship supported by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (Top 2%)

Dalian University of Technology Technological Innovation Award (Top 4%)

And so on.